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Pharmacovigilance requirements in Lebanon

Module XVI: Risk Minimization Measures: Selection of Tools and Effectiveness Indicators

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Lebanese Pharmacovigilance National Center

Our center was established at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Lebanese University by decree No. 13370 in 2004 under the name of the Pharmacovigilance National Center. It cooperates with the Ministry of Health in Various fields related to medicine at the scientific and academic levels, especially with regard to monitoring the adverse drug reaction of the drug marketed in Lebanon. And have been:

1.The MPH will Adopt the PHCVG center at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Lebanese University as a national center qualified by the Ministry of Public Health to receive, evaluate and classify all information related to the side effects of the drug marketed in Lebanon

2. Upon adopting the accreditation of the center as national center, the center for monitoring Adverse drug Reactions in the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Lebanese University shall hold the title of ” the National Center for Pharmacovigilance in Lebanon ” Lebanese Pharmacovigilance National Center

 3. Adopt and establish a database in National Pharmacovigilance Center to be the national specialized database developed by the team of specialist in charge of the center in the Faculty of Pharmacy in the Lebanese University, and put at the service of the Lebanese Ministry of Public Health

4. The team of the Lebanese National Pharmacovigilance Center is committed to preserve confidentiality of all Kind o information collected and kept in our database, according to medical laws of patient privacy.

5. Cooperation with the Ministry of Public Health to:

A. inform all Lebanese pharmaceutical companies and scientific offices represented by the international pharmaceutical companies in Lebanon by using us as a national center qualified by Ministry of Public Health to receive, evaluate and classify all information related to side effects of the drug and to inform and notify our center of all the developments related to the reactors. Side of the drug in the Lebanese market and international markets.

B. Inform all government and private hospitals that the drug side control center in the Faculty of Pharmacy at the Lebanese University should be informed of the serious side effects of the drug in their centers. This leads to hospital admission, prolongation of the patient, or fetal malformations.

C. Establishment of a coordination mechanism between the Ministry of Public Health and the Drug Side Control Center at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Lebanese University, to ensure that information on the side effects of the drug.

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