public health
VigiServe Foundation > public health
Rolling Review – The New Normal?
In general, the overall process of product identification to authorization, may take at least 5-10 years. However, in case of pandemics, public health emergencies, or certain other cases, the overall timeline may need to get shortened. One such action, that supports this, is the rolling review. A rolling review is a regulatory tool, that the […]
emergency ,
expedited ,
pharmacovigilance ,
public health ,
review ,
rolling ,
safety ,
vaccine ,
Finding my ikigai … ‘Pharmacovigilance in Public Health’
The ‘lot many’ months of COVID-19 lockdown, has allowed some people to answer these ‘simple’ questions: “What is it that gets you up every morning and keeps you going?” or “what is my personal legend?” and thankfully I am one of those fortunate ones who has found an answer to these simple questions! I still […]